Famous Figures Praying at the Western Wall
“I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word according to all Your name.” Psalms 138:2

Dalai Lama
“For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." Isaiah 56:7

Pope Benedict XVI - May 2009
I came away from the Wall with admiration and respect for those who spend hours and even days praying there and concluded that I really have no excuses for being lax in my prayer life. - Omar C. Garcia, Minister of Missions at Kingsland Baptist Church in Katy, Texas.

Barack Obama - July 24, 2008
“We both had quite an experience at the wall and felt the presence of God there. This spot was very important to me. I got to know the Lord in a new way that day.” – Rev. Bob Stevens

George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush
‘The tabernacle is not a great hall for the assembling of multitudes, but a place of personal encounter where worshippers may bring their covenant offerings.’ – Pastor Jack Hayford

The Clintons
“Because of Your temple at Jerusalem Kings will bring gifts to You.” Psalms 68:29

Junichiro Koizumi
“How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.” Psalms 65:4

Mike Huckabee and Tyrese Gibson